Tips on Understanding the Sounds Your Dog Makes

March 23, 2021

Tips on Understanding the Sounds Your Dog Makes

Dogs use different sounds to convey a certain message to other animals or to us humans. Some sounds are easier to guess what your dog is trying to convey while others may not be so clear. Here are some tips and possible meanings as to each type of sound your dog makes.



Have you ever heard your dog sigh as they lie down with their head between their front paws? It could mean two things depending on their facial expression. If your dog's eyes are half opened, it could be a sign that your dog is very content and relaxed. However, if you hear your dog sigh and their eyes are wide opened, it could be a sign that they are very dissatisfied and that their expectation wasn't met. In other words, your dog has given up.


What about baying sounds? If your dog is baying, it's usually when your dog is on a hunt. Your dog is trying to convey the message of "Follow me", "Right this way", "Let's get him!".



There are different types of howls. If your dog's howls are short with the final howl drawn out, it could mean that your dog is lonely or feels left out. He could be sounding this to ask where everyone went. It could also imply that he is telling whoever is around or within his howling vicinity that "I'm right here" or "This is my spot". Sometimes you might hear a howl response from another dog right after. If your dog's howls are short, it could be a sign that your dog is excited or anticipating something exciting to happen.



Dogs can also be trained to give certain barks under a certain command. For example, police dogs are often taught to use certain barks - such as moans, growls, howling - to give off a certain message depending on the situation.


We hope that this article is helpful in understanding the message your dog is trying to convey to you by the different barks he gives!

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