How to Entertain Your Pup Indoors?

October 20, 2020

How to Entertain Your Pup Indoors?

Regardless of the weather, our pups need exercise in order to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. However, with the changing seasons and countless days or even weeks of just rain or heatwaves, it may be hard for dog mums and dads out there to take their pup out for a walk to get the exercise they need. Don't fret! There's still a wide variety of ways you can entertain your dog in the comforts of your very own home! Here are a few ideas that can help!


1. Hide & Seek

This is fun for both you and your pup! You will need at least two people to play this game - one person to hold your dog and give him instructions to sit & stay while the other person hides. Once you are ready, the other person can set your dog off to start looking for you.


2. Hidden Treats

Teach your dog how to find hidden treats around the house using only his nose! This is a great way to stimulate your dog's mind. Make sure to start off with an easy object so that your dog understands what he is looking for and won't get bored. First have your dog on standby in a "sit" or "stay" command. Hide the treat or favorite toy somewhere obvious, then give your dog the cue to look for the item. Once your dog gets the game, you can make the game a bit more challenging by hiding the treat in baskets or in another room. Once your dog finds the hidden item, give him a reward!


3. Teach a New Trick

Teaching your dog a new trick is a fun and productive way to keep both you and your dog entertained when you're stuck indoors! It's also a great way to help keep your fur but mentally active! You can check online for various dog trick ideas to teach your pup. Tricks that are physically demanding can also help give your dog the workout he needs to stay healthy! Regardless, make sure to reward him and that he gets enough hydration so that he doesn't get burnt out.


4. Invest in a Food Dispensing Toy

What is that? Well, at times when you might not have the time to keep your pup stimulated and entertained, this toy is an invaluable key to keeping your pup busy! These are toys that are stuffed with treats that your dog loves! There are so many varieties of food dispensing toys you can check out. Essentially, the toy will periodically dispense the tasty treats out as your dog plays with it. It's perfect for dogs to play with and especially great for those that like to chew!


5. Tug of War

You can simply use any toy or rope available to play this with your pup. Just make sure to gauge your pup's strength so that you aren't overpowering your dog and that he is enjoying it.


6. Invite a Date

If your dog has a favorite playmate, why don't you consider inviting them over to play indoors? However, it may be wise to make sure that there is nothing that can be easily broken by the dogs while they are playing.


7. Stair Walk

If you got some stairs in your house, this is a great exercise for both you and your dog. Simply have your pup following you as you walk up and down the stairs. Depending on your dog & safety, you can also play fetch on the stairs with your pup.


We hope these tips can keep you and your dog entertained and also give your beloved fur buds the exercise they need despite bad weather conditions!


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